Site  23    Created July 2007  Updated  4/July 2019 



Great God,


In all the world's religions and
of all the would-be Gods, none is
more powerful in physical reality than

The Great God Money

Money  Makes
The  3d  World
Go  Around





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For A Summary / Overview  

Go to




The Great God Money pages

have recently been recovered

from the my 2015 ,Cabal induced crash of

TLC-Life-Center's 67 websites.

Much of the money section has  NOT been updated

and is presently available in this contrition

because of the information value in their content.






Documentary Video:    
Exposing the lies and telling the Truth About Money         

The Secret of OZ  1:56:24   Bill Still
The Secret of Oz - Winner, Best Docu of 2010 v.1.09.11 - YouTube

This prize-winning documentary explains
with irrefutable documented evidence
how and why a secret cartel of Cabal criminal bankers
have been controlling and manipulating
almost every nation's money supply
since at least as far back as the Roman empire.      

The Secret of Oz - Top Documentary Films

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Section Title:     ..     .....






The-Two-Greatest Con-Games   


When you begin to study Fifth Dimension Consciousness,
you'll soon notice We-The-People
are taking back control of our own lives.

Money is a fake, a fraud, a scam
of unprecedented proportions. 
It's second only to organized religion
as the greatest lie, of all time.  
The Decline and the Death of Money

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Please note the

The problem is in those who secretly control .
The evil criminals make deception-causing demands of
the people who appear to be in control.

For example, Christianity is secretly controlled
by the same evil criminals
that control our fraudulent banking system
that you will learn abut when reading this page
or watching the documentary, The Secret of OZ.

The present version of Christianity
*   Teaches a defective way to pray.
*   It teaches that you are separate from God.
*   It teaches that
     the more you suffer,
     the closer you are to God
*   It  ignores several incredibly powerful
     and truthful teachings of Jesus

To learn the real truth of Christianity,
see the Treatise on our website titled
Conscious Christianity.   (link below)

The Evolution of Religion:
Religion s going to stay with us.
Religionswill simply evolve
to eliminate the deceptions and tell us the truth
The religions will evolve into Universal Spirituality
in which we each of us can, if we choose to,
connect directly and personally with 
Source/ Creator/ God-Goddess
*1   What and Who Humans really are:

*2   Conscious Christianity

*3   Universal Spirituality

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Money is a major Cabal criminal tool
for stealing wealth and
for controlling the human population.  

It's used to create  scarcity, separation, powerlessness, 
behavior control, manipulation of consciousness,
mind control, and the illusion that violence solves problems.

The Death of Money
*   We are working together as teams,
     and by focusing on  giving Llove to each other.
*   By caring, compassion and sharing,
     we are creating so much wealth that
     scarcity is disappearing.
*   The decline  of scarcity is making money
     less and less valuable
*   Money will soon disappear completely.

Humans Are Made of and For Llove
Are you aware that the scientifically proven, and
natural state of human consciousness is
*   to cooperate, 
*  to give Llove,  and
*   to be of service to each other.

*   Ih process of giving Llove to Each other 
     Religion  is evolving into  Universal Spirituality.

Third dimension Religion called Christianity is a complete fraud.
Why?  Because Christian churches ignore The Teachings of Jesus
It's  fraudulent third dimension  concepts
designed to keep you in secret slavery.  

They teach that humans are separate from God,
that God created humans powerless and inherently evil,
then murdered his own son as an act of Llove.
Now back to Money.


We highly recommend that you listen to
the description of our financial system by David Icke:      

The United States Banking System  
See minute 45 to 57.   

This Video has been removed from the Internet
by the Cabal Criminlsls

Type in
The United States Banking System 
into the Search engine and read
some of the sites found there.

Add taxes to each step in the cost added principle
he describes  and the end costs you pay are even higher. 






For a description of a simple Debt-free Monetary System
Go To
It include three steps:
1)   Cancel-All-Debts-to-Cabal-Bankers
2)   Create-a-Simple-New-Debt-Free-Domestic-Money-System'
      Separate from Corporate investment moneys
3   Beware-of-the-Bit-Coin-Con-Game .

Money Defined
23 Money defined

The Fake, Fraud, False God ---MONEY

The Federal Reserve
*   23 Federal Reserve

Fractional Reserve Lending~
*   Fractional Reserves-55

The Inflation Scam
*   23 - Inflation-Scam


     23  Boom/Bust-Scam

The Curse of Debt  --Renting non-existing money
*   The Curse of

Renting Illusions~
      Paying real  money (goods and services)
                                    for the use of make-believe (fiat) money 

Who Created the Wealth    And who stole it

Conflict of Interest
23 - Conflicts of Interest

23 - Debt - What is it - How it became the curse of humanity

Debt Defined
23 - Debt - What is it - How it became the curse of humanity

Deficit Spending  --  Who Pays
23-Deficit Spending - Who pays the Bills?

Sources of Income

23-Deficit Spending - Who pays the Bills?

The Truth about the Government Borrowing money
23 - The Truth in Borrowing

Two Great Con Games

How to Solve all 25
Major National Financial Problems
with Debt-Free Money
Directly  from the U.S. Treasury
from any State Treasury

All Home Loans Cancelled    
Cabal Criminal Bankers Defeated

Domestic-Money---Investment-Money   ...

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The Money Context:
*   Money has two main areas of use
     A.   Domestic exchange for goods and services
           by We-The-People
     B.   Loan and/or  Investments 
          by corporations and  Government,
           and for Inter-Corporation Businessexchanges
*     Remember:   Money is only valuable in a context of scarcity
*   Money is a form of Goods and services
*   Money is a medium of exchange
*   Money used to be a way of storing wealth
*   Money used to be a measure of value

*   Making large amounts of money and snorting cocaine
      have the same effect upon the human brain.
*   Many very wealthy people are actually

In the investment world, where does value come from?

*   We hear stories from Investment advisors/ strategists 
     like Teeka Tiwari:
Independent Investor - Learn To Trade And Compare Top Brokers

World Economic forum 
Security Technology called
Genesis Technology  
is predicted to raise in value by 295,762%

He shows us investments (buying and owning stocks)
that have rapidly made huge jumps in value,
some over 2,000% returns and more

Here's one example:
World Economic forum 
Security Technology called
Genesis Technology  
is predicted to raise in value by 295,762%

The Big Question is: 
     When  a huge jump in stock value occurs,
      where does the increase in value come from?
     *   All this so-called wealth is in pieces of paper
          with names, words, and numbers  on them,.
     *   Stocks are promises to pay.
     *   In and of themselves, they have no value.
     *   The value is in the faith that people have
          that these pieces of paper have value
           and will continue to have value,
           that people will will accept them
           in exchange for fiat money
           which then can be used to purchase goods and services.

The stock market is the wealthy person gambling casino

The Wise take their money out of promises
and put it into tangible assets.
For example, real estate may lose some of its monetary value,
but no mater what happens, it's still there.     
It's also an asset that is in limited supply.

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* Return to     .    
*   Section Title:     Domestic-Money---Investment-Money   ...
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15 pt   

The Money Context:
*   Money is only valuable in a context of scarcity
*   Money is a form of Goods and services
*   Money is a medium of exchange
*   Money used to be a way of storing Value
*   Money used to be a measure of worth/value


 Wakeup Time.

It:    ˛










16 PT    And who stole it

15 pt    

 Wakeup Time.

It:    ˛





golden-rule       golden-rule       ...

Con- Artist's Heaven

Money Defined~
         Step One is to find out what money really is.

The Federal Reserve  -- 
         Theft disguised as service.  

Renting Nothing - Renting Illusions   
         lending make-believe money
          and charging real money for its use.

Fractional Reserve Lending  -- 
          You are paying interest on make-believe money.  

Inflation  (Deficit financing)  -- 
          Inflation is caused mainly by government deficit spending.

Government Deficit Spending  --  
         How it secretly steals the money out of your wallet

Debt - What Is It?  --  
         How it became the curse of humanity.

The Curse of Debt  -- 
         The misuse of debt is a major factor in all human problems.   

Addiction to Money    Unconscious Addictive Behavior




In all the world's religion and
of all the Would-be Gods, none is
more powerful
in physical reality than

The Great God Money

TLC-Life-Center   ®
Illusion Busters

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16 PT    And who stole it

15 pt    

 Wakeup Time.

It:    ˛